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Darwin’s publications – books

In 2018-2019 a project was discussed to build on the Freeman Bibliographical Database. Through the help of a friend from Poland, I bought the 1959 collected works of Charles Darwin in Polish. I scanned the books and gave them to the Darwin Online Project. They went online on 2 Feb 2019. Here are my other contributions to the Database:

2019, 07.12 Newly discovered, the first translation from Darwin’s book Expression of the emotions in Hungarian, thanks to Christine Chua. (F1849)

2019, 06.18 Darwin in Finnish– a new language for Darwin Online- bringing the number of languages to 29. Courtesy of Christine Chua. (F179a, F2026, F2028)

2019, 04.13 The Origin of species in Chinese. Courtesy of Christine Chua. (F640a)

2019, 03.01 Courtesy of Associate Editor Christine Chua, four books by Darwin in Italian translation that were not previously in Darwin Online. (F1200, F1242, F863, F1269)

2019, 02.02 Courtesy of the indefatigable Christine Chua, the collected works of Darwin in Polish. (F224, F742, F923.1, F923.2, F1103.1, F1103.2, F1204, F1270, F1531)

2019, 01 Courtesy of Christine Chua, the first Japanese translations of Origin of species and Descent of man and the first works in Japanese on Darwin Online. Many more translations of Darwin’s works provided by Christine Chua, including 8 languages new to Darwin Online (Arabic, Basque, Bengali, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Malay, Turkish & Vietnamese) as well as more previously unrecorded references and translations for the Freeman Bibliographical Database.

2018, 12.31 More translations and editions including some previously unrecorded translations, courtesy of Christine Chua. (French, German, Russian, Spanish, Swedish)

2018, 12.30 Three important new works on Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle in Chinese courtesy of Christine Chua. (F1843, F1566a, F1883g)

2018, 12 Darwin in Hungarian! Christine Chua has provided translations of Darwin in Hungarian and uncovered previously unknown references for the Freeman Bibliographical Database. Christine Chua has provided translations of Darwin in Romanian (9 books in total) and uncovered previously unknown references for the Freeman Bibliographical Database.

2018, 12 Darwin in Chinese Christine Chua has made a great contribution to Darwin Online by scanning 17 Darwin books in Chinese, totalling 11,164 pages. Only two of these were previously available online. Chua has also revised and substantially corrected all 104 of the bibliographical references to Chinese translations of Darwin in the Freeman Bibliographical Database and discovered 111 new references.