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Extracts from Minute-books and Proceedings of the Royal Geological Society Council.

John Wesley Judd (1840-1916) was a Professor of Geology from 1876 to 1905 and Dean of the Royal College of Science in London. These extracts of the proceedings and minutes record Darwin’s attendance and papers presented or “referred” by him. They were copied by J. W. Judd and are transcribed for the first time here. Transcripts © Christine Chua, 12.2023. Click on the links for image view in Cambridge University Library Archive. Note: CUL-DAR262.19.1 was transcribed for Darwin Online in September 2023 and is published there.


1 Hulke, J. W. 1882.04.16. Death notice of Darwin. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 38: 239.
2 Hulke, J. W. 1883. The anniversary address of the President: Obituary notice of Darwin. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 39: 38-39.
3 Judd, Wesley John. 1888.02. Presidential address: Lyell and Darwin] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 44: 80-84.
4 Judd, Wesley John. 1911. The coming of evolution. Cambridge University Press.

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