Extracts from Minute-books and Proceedings of the Royal Geological Society Council.
John Wesley Judd (1840-1916) was a Professor of Geology from 1876 to 1905 and Dean of the Royal College of Science in London. These extracts of the proceedings and minutes record Darwin’s attendance and papers presented or “referred” by him. They were copied by J. W. Judd and are transcribed for the first time here. Transcripts © Christine Chua, 12.2023. Click on the links for image view in Cambridge University Library Archive. Note: CUL-DAR262.19.1 was transcribed for Darwin Online in September 2023 and is published there.
Extracts from Proceedings of Geol. Soc.
1835. Novr. 18 Geological Notes (letters to Henslow) Sedgwick
1836 Novr. 30 Charles Darwin, Esq., A.B. Christ’s College Cambridge Elected.
1837 Jany 4. Observations of process of recent elevation on the Coast of Chile made during the Survey of H.M.S. Beagle, Commanded by Capt. Fitzroy R.N. by C. Darwin Esq F.G.S.
Preached by A. Caldaclaugh Esq F.G.S. Some observations on the elevation of Strata on the Cost of Chili.
April 19. R Owen. A description of the Cranium of the Toxodon Platensis, a gigantic extinct mammiferous species referrible by its dentition to the Rodentia, but with affinities to the Pachydermata and the Herbivorous Cetacea / found by Darwin in whitish Argill—earth 120 miles N. of Monte Video.
May 3. A sketch of the Deposits containing extinct Mammalia in the neighbourhood of the Plata by C. Darwin Esq. F.G.S.
(May 17 Letters from Sir J. Herschell to Lyell & Murchison sent from Cape of Good Hope on movement of ocean floor)
May 31. On certain areas of elevation and subsidence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans as deduced from the study of Coral Formations” by C. Darwin Esq
Novr 1. 1837. “On the Formation of Mould” C. Darwin Esq. F.G.S. (Geol. Trans. V.)
(Whewell’s Address 16 Feby 1838)
Wollaston Medal given to Owen for his work on Darwin’s Collection of Mammals.
List of forms.
Congratulations to Darwin (Von Hoff’s work s. 643
1838. March 7th “On the connexion of certain volcanic phaenomena, and on the formation of mountain-chains and Volcanos as the effects of Continental elevations by C. Darwin F.G.S.
Conclusion Discourse Lyell Life Vol II, (Geol. Trans. V)
1841 May 5. “On the distribution of Erratic Boulders and on the Contemporaneous unstratified Deposits of South America by- C. Darwin Esq F.R.S., F.G.S Geol. Trans VI.
M.S. 1846. An account of fine the Fine Dust which often falls on Vessels in the Atlantic Ocean. Geol. Soc. Journ ii. 1846
M.S. 1846. On the Geology of the Falkland Islands. [Geol Soc. Journ] ii. 1846
M.S. 1848 On the Transportal of Erratic Boulders from a lower to a higher level. [Geol Soc. Journ] IV (OVER)
1850 June 5 Brit Foss Lepadadae. (als) Q.J. G. S. VI. 439
1859 18th Feby Wollaston Medal – Delivered by Phillip
Review by Lyell (quotation)
Decr 3. 1862 On the thickness of the Pampean Formation, near Buenos Ayres XIX. 68.
Ap 16th 1882 Notice of Death by Hulke. [1]
Feb 16 1883 Obituary notice by Hulke. P. 38. [2]
Feby 17 1888. Lyell & Darwin in J.W.J. address p. 80 = John Wesley Judd [3]
Extracts from Minute-Books of the Council of the Geological Society.
(I could find no notice of the extracts from Henslow’s letters, read by Sedgwick to the Society on November 18th 1835. It appears not to have been treated as a paper and therefore was not “referred” in the usual way.)
1837 Jany 18th C. Darwin’s paper read on Jany 4th was “referred.”
Feby 1st. C. Darwin nominated as a member of the new Council.
During the session following Darwin attended the following Council meetings on:-
March 8th and 22nd, April 5th, May 3rd and 31st.
June 14th and 21, Augt 8th, Novr 7th and 29th.
Decr 6th 1838. Jany 3rd & 17th & 31st Feb 14th
Novr 15th Paper on “Formation of Mould” referred.
[Novr 15th] Mr. Darwin’s papers on “Proofs of Elevation of Chili &c” and “On Deposit in neighbourhood of the Plata” were withdrawn by the author with permission of the Council.
August 8th “A letter from Mr. Darwin was read, requesting to withdraw the Abstract of his Observations on Coral Formations. The request was acceded to.”
1838 Jany 31st – C. Darwin nominated member of Council and also Secretary (with W. J. Hamilton)
Attended following Council meeting in Session 1838-9
March 7th April 4th May 9th and 23rd
June 6th, Novr 7th and 21st, Decr 5th, Jany 2nd 1839.
21st 7th March. Darwin’s paper “On the Formation of Mountain Chains &c” referred.
Darwin’s paper on “Formation of Mould” reported on and ordered to be printed in Transactions
Novr 7th 1838. The Report on Mr. Darwin’s paper on Earthquakes was received.
1839. Feby Darwin re elected nominated Secretary
Attended Council meetings. Feby 27th, March 27th, April 10th and 24th May 22nd June 5th Novr 6th Novr 20 Decr 4th and 18th
Jany 8th and 22nd — Feby 5th.
[Left margin:] Jany 9th 1839 Mr. Darwin reported that the additional I have should be placed in the hall, which was approved
1839 April 10th Mr Darwin’s paper on “Volcanic Phenomena” was balloted for and ordered to be printed.
1840 Feby 5th C. Darwin re-nominated Secretary.
Attended Feby 26th (none afterwards in session
1841 Feby 3rd C. Darwin retired from Secretary. E. H. Bunbury nominated
Attended Council Novr 17, Decr 1st, Decr 15th, Jany 5th 1842
Decr 15th C. Darwin’s paper on “Distribution of Boulders &c” ordered to be printed in Transactions at cost of £16.3.6
1842-3 Attendance at Council. April 6th May 5th, July 9th September 9th Oct 5th Novr 2nd and 16th and 30th
Decr 1st and 2nd — 14th. Feby 17th 1843
1843-4 Jany 18th C. Darwin nominated Vice-President was present at Annual General Meeting on Feby 17th 1843.
Attended Councils may 10th and 24th June 21st Decr 13th
1844-5. Feby 7th re-nominated Vice President.
Attended Councils Feby 18th and 21st April 17th June 12th and 26th, Novr 20th, Jany 8th 1845, Feby 5th.
1845-6 Attended Councils March 12th, April 2nd June 11th July 2nd, Novr 19th Decr 10th Jany 7th (1846) Feby 4th
1846-7. Attended Councils March 25th, April 22nd, May 20th, Novr 18th, Decr 2nd.
1847-8 Attended Councils April 28th, May 12th and 26th June 9th Novr 17th Decr 15 Jan 5th (1848) Feby 2nd
1848-9. Attended Councils April 19th May 17th-31st
Jany 31st (1849)
1849-50. Attended Councils Novr 7th, Feby 6th 1850
1850-51. Attended Councils Ap. 10th Decr 18th
1851 Feby 5th C. Darwin retired from Council.
Council Minutes
1835 Novr 8 “No notice of Letter”
1837 Jany 4 18th Jany Darwin’s paper referred.
1st Feb. C. Darwin Nominated for Council
Attended 1. 22. 1 March 5. Ap. 3 May 31 May 14 21 June
8th Aug 7 Novr 29 Novr 6th Decr
Paper on Formation of Mould referred 15. Novr.
Mr. Darwin’s paper on proofs of elevation of Chili & deposits in neighbourhood of Plata Withdrawn by permission of council 15th Nov.
8th Aug A letter from Mr Darwin was read, requesting to withdraw the Abstract of his Observation on Coral Formation. The request was acceded to
1838 Attended 3rd Jany 17 31 Jany
C.D. Nomination Secretary (with Hamilton)
attend 14 Feb 7th March 4 Ap 9 May 23 May 6 June Nov 7-21 Dec 5
7th March Darwin’s paper referred His paper — Mould reported on Jany
1839 Darwin reelection Secretary
Feb 27 March 27, Ap 10 Ap 24, May 22 5 June Novr 6 Nov 20 Decr 4 Decr 18
Jan 8, Jan 22 5 Feb
10th Jan 1839 Darwin’s paper on Volcanic Phenomenon ordered to be printed
Darwin re-elected nominated Secretary 5th Feb.
Feb 26 No attendances afterward.
Feb 3rd 1841 E. H. Bunbury elected in his place as Secretary
C.D still on Council
attended Novr 17 1841 Decr 1 Decr 15 Jany 5 1842
Decr 15. C. D. distribution of boulders order to be printed cost £16.3.6
1842. attendance Apr 6 May 5 July 19 Sep 9 Oct 5 Nov 2 Nov 16
Novr 30 Decr 1st & 2nd 14 Feby 17 1843
1842 Jan? 18 C.D elected Vice President
May 10 (1843) May 24, June 21 Decr 13.
1844. Reelected Vice President Feby 1844 Feb 21, Ap 17 June 12 26 Nov 20 Jan? 8 Feb 5 1845.
Jany 4 1837 C. Darwin admitted as fellow (C. Lyell in chair)
Mr. Albert Way & Mr. Waterhouse introduced by C. D.
April 19 1837. Mr Eyton introduced by C D
(no notice of Darwin’s paper Read on 3rd May.
May 31. Cap Fitzroy introduced by C. Lyell
Mr. Stokes & Mr Allen introduced by C. D. 20 Visitors
March 7. 1838 (Whewell in chair)
2nd Nov 1836 C. D. dined guest of C.L again dine March 8 March 22 1837
Decr 14 [1836] C.P. propose by Lyell & Stokes Elected May 3 1837
1838 3 Jan. 21 Feb. 4. Apr 23 May 6 June Novr. 7
1839 Jan 9 Apr 24.
1841 Had ceased to be member.
Present at Annual General Meeting Feb 17 1843
14 years on Council ‘37 ‘56 Sec. 38, 39, 40 V. P. ‘43 ‘44
Returned from Vice Presidency.
1845. March 12 Apr 2 June 11 July 2 Novr 19 Decr 10 Jany 7 (1846) Feb 4
1846 March 25 Ap 22 May 20 Nov 18 Decr 2
1847 Ap 28 May 12 26 June 9 Novr 17 Decr 15 Jany 5, Feby 2
1848 Ap 19 May 17 31 Jany 31
1849 Novr 7 Feb 6
1850 Ap. 10
Decr 18. 1851 Feb 5 Returned from Council
1 Hulke, J. W. 1882.04.16. Death notice of Darwin. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 38: 239.
2 Hulke, J. W. 1883. The anniversary address of the President: Obituary notice of Darwin. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 39: 38-39.
3 Judd, Wesley John. 1888.02. Presidential address: Lyell and Darwin] Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 44: 80-84.
4 Judd, Wesley John. 1911. The coming of evolution. Cambridge University Press.