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On this day… Darwin in New Zealand

In August 2023, I was delighted to come across DAR262 which contains biographical material on Darwin and other interesting articles. I believe not many have people know about or have laid eyes on these. I spent a month sorting and transcribing many articles in DAR262 for the Darwin Online Project. Here is one which might be of interest ~ Christine

On 22 December 1835, Darwin wrote in his journal “In the evening I went with Captain Fitz Roy and Mr. Baker, one of the missionaries, to pay a visit to Kororadika: we wandered about the village, and saw and conversed with many of the people, both men, women, and children. Looking at the New Zealander, one naturally compares him with the Tahitian; both belonging to the same family of mankind.” (Journal of researches, p. 420) Darwin, FitzRoy and some officers later donated £15 for the building of a chapel there.

See the scan here: DAR 262.25: 3–12 and my transcription here: CUL-DAR262.25.3-12

“Subscriptions for the purpose of erecting a chapel Church at Kororarika for the benefit of Europeans & Natives to be 40 50 feet by 20 30. … Captain FitzRoy Mr Charles Darwin and the Officers of HMS. Beagle} Pd £15.0.0”

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