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About the Editor

Hello and thank you for visiting. In 2016, my daughter took a ‘Darwin and evolution’ module in her university and I got to know about the Darwin Online project. I browsed the site with great interest and after contributing ideas and corrections, I was invited to be an associate editor. I held the honorary role until November 2023. Those were my most joyful years.

In September 2023, after a few friendly chats with the director of the Wallace Correspondence Project, I was asked to consider joining it. After exploring the WCP’s old online archive, Wallace Letters Online (the new site is Epsilon) I find many of Wallace’s manuscripts are not transcribed. A pity! Since it is still Wallace Bicentenary, what better time to honour Darwin’s most famous contemporary than to make his manuscripts more known and accessible to readers? I have since been invited to join the Wallace Correspondence Project and I look forward to contribute to the Wallace scholarship with as much dedication and devotion as I did with the Darwin scholarship. I am also contributing to the Brooke Archives, transcribing letters and papers of James Brooke, the white Rajah of Sarawak and a few projects at Zooniverse. ~ Christine AC, Singapore.